Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Career change or midlife crisis?

So I've been thinking of a career change.

I want to be a librarian.

I want to shelve books and do interlibrary loan and organize things and see that kids growing up actually know how to use reference materials, not just wikipedia. I want to see kids reading stuff like Harry Potter -- big books, with no pictures! -- and see them discover new authors and new things to be interested in. I want to be around books. And people who read them. And people who should read them.

My husband says I should go ahead and do it. So despite my potentially paralyzing fear of failure (i'm looking at YOU, thwarted thesis and demoralizing French classes!) and me wondering if 32 is too damned old to try and launch a new career , I've looked up places with MILS distance learning programs.

As C. says, "The only one holding you back is you."

I hate when he makes sense like that.


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