Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cauldron burn, and fire bubble...

So I'm cooking thanksgiving dinner this year.

Me. The woman with the number to Lizard's Thicket speed-dialed (number 6, thankyouverymuch; i enjoy the vegetable plate) into her cell, and who is very proud of the fact that she can cook mashed potatoes from scratch.

Rachel Ray I ain't. So why I presumed something so ambitious as cooking a holiday meal for five ( myself, my husband, my father, his wife, and my hairstylist).

Crap -- why did i invite her?! Didn't I forsee that this could mean the end of hair as I know it?! Great. Now I'll have nightmares of having to wear brightly colored skullcaps for the rest of the winter because Tanya has scalped me at my next appointment. But the hint that she didn't have anyhwere else to go (and she truly must be desperate to come to my place -- and she's heard my tales of kitchen woe at the shampoo bowl many a time) really got to me. I mean, it goes against everything TG stands for, to not invite someone when they say "Oh, I'll find somewhere to go...."

My mother is coming over tuesday and wednesday night to help me prepare. This, I feel, is a decent compromise to the trial run that C. suggested (did he really expect me to buy two of everything and then cook dinner TWICE? Testosterone must be a helluva drug).

This also proves just how desperate I am for help -- I am willing to endure over two hours of haranguing, nagging, direct insults to my housekeeping and looks, "helpful" suggestions on how to keep my husband from a)cheating on me and b)on a short leash, lest he get the idea that he is in charge, and c)how to make my life, home, and self more acceptable. Read: more like her(s).

That said, she can cook the hell out of some dressing, so yeah, I'll put up with it, and put on some happy music afterwards and work out or buy a new top. Besides, she got me an early christmas gift (the bag C. said was too expensive) after mentioning she was tired of seeing my old one "hang off my arm".

The menu:
  • Potato salad
  • collard greens
  • green beans
  • corn
  • rice & gravy
  • mashed potatoes (specialty of the house!)
  • turkey
  • ham
  • cornbread
  • apple pie (from the fresh market -- i'm no fool!)
I think that's it. Maybe when I get proficient sometime next decade, I'll be able to invite friends over. I'd love to ultimately be the house people can come to. But this....i think this is an okay start.


Blogger *Rae* said...

Your menu sounds great I forgot about collard greens thanx for reminding me lol..Pies aren't that hard to make I am sure you can crank out a good apple pie if I can I am sure anyone can lol..Happy Thanksgiving

12:54 AM  
Blogger Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Never assume someone without a place to go on a holiday will find somewhere to go. We often don't. Inviting her was the right thing to do. Thank you.

7:42 AM  

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